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Sheila Lukins, author of the famed cookbook, The Silver Palate, sat in with Tom Ashbrook on NPR’s On Point to promo her new book Ten and talk about the American cook and palate today. 

This program titled, The Foods We Love, highlighted Sheila’s history of liberating timid cooks in the kitchen and how the American palate is evolving through social change.

I couldn’t resist the urge to call in and mention the importance and wonderful alternative of CSAs- Community Supported Agriculture- as an economical and fun way to get back in the kitchen. 

Listen to the conversation here...
*I call in around minute 33

If you are interested in joining a CSA and live in the Nashville area check out the following sites to get you started:

Local Table
Food Security Partners Of Middle Tennessee
Nashville Farmer’s Market
Slow Food Nashville

Eat right and good night! 
I called in to NPR’s On Point with Tom Ashbrook! Listen here...
Friday, October 24, 2008